On The Record: ousearch_News_2019

Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association (OPCMIA) members advance their skills inside a Washtenaw Community College computer lab during the inaugural year of their Instructor Training Program in 2018.

Plasterers, masons mark second year of instructor training program at WCC

Kelly Gampel - June 26, 2019

The first of three international skilled trade unions that use Washtenaw Community College as home base for summer training programs concluded its courses Friday.

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tags: ousearch_News_2019, Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association, Plasterers

Ya-Yun Hu addresses her peers June 20, 2019 during the Adult Transitions Pathway' Student Recognition Ceremony, honoring those who have completed the GED Pathways program since July 2018.

Students overcome struggles to earn GED diplomas

Kelly Gampel - June 21, 2019

June 20 was an evening some students doubted was in reach.

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tags: Adult Transitions Pathways, Lawanda Leverett, ousearch_News_2019, GED

WCC faculty member Dr. Marvin Boluyt (center) receives the college's silver recognition from Dr. Robert Sallis and Dr. Renee Jeffries-Heil of the American College of Sports Medicine.

WCC recognized for promoting exercise on campus

Richard Rezler - June 11, 2019

Washtenaw Community College has received silver-level recognition for its newly launched Exercise is Medicine on Campus (EIM-OC) program.

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tags: Marvin Boluyt, Exercise, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), ousearch_News_2019

Washtenaw Community College logo

New in Fall '19: General Studies degree meets needs of 21st century workforce

Richard Rezler - June 10, 2019

Faculty and administration at Washtenaw Community College are consistently compiling insight from student feedback, industry research and educational analyses to determine the need for curriculum changes. Sometimes that insight can result in slight tweaks to existing programming and sometimes it can result in the formation of a totally new program.

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tags: AGGSD, ousearch_News_2019, General Studies

Martaveius Taylor

Student profile: Martaveius Taylor's varied areas of study have singular purpose

Richard Rezler - June 09, 2019

Officially, Martaveius Taylor is majoring in Digital Video Production at Washtenaw Community College.

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tags: Digital Video Production, Martaveius Taylor, ousearch_News_2019

Washtenaw Community College logo

New in Fall '19: Web Design and Development certificates

Richard Rezler - June 03, 2019

WCC’s Web Design & Development faculty members discovered a demand from students and industry to offer shorter, layered certificate programs. In response, the department will offer five new web-based certificate programs beginning in Fall 2019 that range from 10 to 12 credit hours apiece.

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tags: ousearch_News_2019

Washtenaw Community College logo

New in Fall '19: Broadcast Media Arts Certificate

Richard Rezler - May 31, 2019

Dena Blair, lead faculty member for Washtenaw Community College's Broadcast Media Arts department, took a sabbatical to evaluate how the skills being taught in the college’s associate degree program match the demands of what the industry expects of its entry-level employees and four-year institutions expect of their transfer students.

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tags: Web Design and Development Certificates, ousearch_News_2019, Broadcast Media Arts, Dena Blair

Washtenaw Community College logo

WCC proposes strategic partnership to boost IT services

Richard Rezler - May 22, 2019

In June 2017, Washtenaw Community College experienced a complete information technology (IT) network outage that lasted three days. The impact on the college was significant and affected everything from new student applications and Fall semester registration to students’ ability to attend online classes and complete assignments.

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tags: ousearch_News_2019

WCC graduate holding up diploma

WCC Class of 2019

Richard Rezler - May 18, 2019

Congratulations 2018-2019 Washtenaw Community College graduates and graduate candidates! We applaud your hard work, perseverance and accomplishment.

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tags: ousearch_News_2019

Honors Convocation student speaker Vivian Wang.

Honors Convocation student speaker advises peers to step outside comfort zone

Richard Rezler - May 17, 2019

In one of her final acts as a Washtenaw Community College student, Vivian Wang encouraged her fellow high achievers to step outside their comfort zone in order to maximize their college experience.

View Post :   Honors Convocation student speaker advises peers to step outside comfort zone

tags: ousearch_News_2019, Vivan Wang, Honors Convocation

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