About Wanda Gunderson
I am a Retired Naval Officer with 21 years served on active duty from 1976-1997.
As a certified personal trainer since 2005, I specialize in helping older clients maintain a good quality of life.
I am a part-time instructor who began teaching at WCC in 2012. I primarily teach Bio 102 (Human Biology) and Bio 101 labs. I am delighted to have found a 3rd career to be passionate about in my 6th decade of life! I love my students and everything about WCC!
I've been married to my husband, Steve for 40 years. We have 2 adult children.
My hobbies include running, strength training, baking and reading.
AA General Studies University of LaVerne
BA Psychology University of Washington
MS Exercise Science California University of PA
ACE Certified Senior Fitness Specialist
RRCA Certified Running Coach
Certified Diabetes Prevention Coach, National Kidney Foundation of MI
Certified Matter of Balance Coach, National Kidney Foundation of MI