Cultural Awareness

Being conscious of one's own culturally shaped values, beliefs, and biases.

Washtenaw Community College's Cultural Awareness training provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to work with and thrive in a workplace alongside others with cultures different from your own. It is vital for co-workers and clients, both nationally and internationally, to communicate effectively with one another. Cultural values and attitudes, cross-cultural communication styles, inter-cultural management styles, and language challenges can become situations that hurt the workplace if not handled appropriately.
Cultural awareness training can help create a more respectful and inclusive workplace.

Course Content

  • Increase cultural awareness
  • Cultural miscues and how they affect the workplace
  • Cross-cultural communication styles
  • Understand/value diverse opinions
  • Acceptable vs inappropriate behavior and company policies
  • Unconscious or implicit bias
  • Microaggression
  • Reduce the impact of biases on workplace decisions
  • Handle cultural situations that make you feel uncomfortable
  • Understand the complexities of crosscultural communication such as the significance of words, actions, gestures, and body language
  • Create a sense of inclusion for all
  • Empathy for others


Please inquire for additional details. | 734.390.WORK (9675)

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